
Company Profile


Brief History

ANEL is a modern company with a long history and an immediate connection with the practice of beekeeping. The company was founded by Emmanuel Pantelakis, an engineer and beekeeper, in 1968 in Athens, Greece.


Emmanuel Pantelakis when still a child with this parents at their beehives
Picture 1: Emmanuel Pantelakis when still a child with his parents at their beehives.


Anastasia and Eleftherios Pantelakis, the children of Emmanuel, engaging in beekeeping with their father. The name ANEL comes from the initial two letters of their names.
Picture 2: Anastasia and Eleftherios Pantelakis, the children of Emmanuel, engaging in beekeeping with their father. The name ANEL comes from the initial two letters of their names.


ANEL enters the Beekeeping Market designing and manufacturing beekeeping equipment, tools and machinery in 1968.

In the '90s ANEL expands its activities in the designing and production of honey processing - packing facilities.

In 2000, enriched with 33 years of experience, ANEL begins to offer education services in Greece and worldwide such as Beekeeping Training Programs in countries of Africa.


ANEL’s main facilities in Athens, Greece
Picture 3: ANEL’s main facilities in Athens, Greece


We are the first private organization that was accepted to become a member of the International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations (Apimondia), Our innovation and reliability has been recognized by the international federation "APIMONDIA" twice.

Apimondia Awards for ANEL
Picture 4: Apimondia Awards for ANEL


Currently ANEL is one of the well-known companies worldwide specialized in beekeeping, able to deliver key plan projects for beekeeping farms and processing of honeybee products. Our beekeeping equipment is preferred worldwide for its innovation and quality. We collaborate with a wide network of distributors in all continents of the world.


Major Achievements

  • ANEL serves 23000 customers of which 5000 operate abroad.
  • We have accomplished more than 100 small, medium and industrial installations of honey processing and packing lines.
  • We have installed or developed more than 300 beekeeping farms.
  • We are exporting our original beekeeping equipment worldwide and we keep expanding.


How We Operate - What We Offer

  • We provide several products which make routine operations better, easier, and with lower cost. All our products pass through several stages before arriving in your hands. The design takes place with continuous communication between us, professional beekeepers, and governmental institutions. The production and the promotion of a new product start only when we are 100% sure the beekeepers will have a real tool to work with.
  • Apiculture and its products have special characteristics which are distinguished according to many parameters such as the geographic area, the race of bees and the variety of honey flora. The designing of products and services must take into consideration all the involved parameters. Experience is very important in beekeeping and we have the experience which translates to our worldwide known products and patents.
  • We cooperate worldwide with the most serious supply companies and we design and develop projects in order to provide the best quality products specific for the beekeeper's needs and always at competitive prices.
  • We offer and guarantee after-sales service and follow up in all our projects. This is what keeps us going after so many years.
  • We invest in our technicians and we keep educating our personnel in new technologies and new production techniques. It is important for us to be able to offer you the after-sales service you deserve and to keep you updated on news in our field.
  • ANEL collaborates closely with Agricultural Universities and Beekeeping Research Institutes and participates in relevant research. We need to be on the edge of technology.
  • We organize beekeeping and other agricultural related seminars taught by our personnel who are beekeeping professionals and agricultural scientists.
  • We conduct our own research and testing of our products in our own apiaries run by our personnel. In the same apiaries we educate and train people to become beekeepers.


Honey Processing and Packing Facilities

ANEL specializes for decades in setting up fully or partially automated honey procesing and packaging facilities. It is no coincidence that the largest producers and companies of honey packaging in Greece have trusted us. Our multi-year presence in the field also guarantees constant technical support and upgrade possibilities. We have accomplished more than 100 small, medium and industrial installations of honey packing lines:

  • 10 major fully automated industrial facilities
  • 25 medium fully- or semi-automated facilities
  • More than 70 small facilities

Learn more about our packing line installations and ask for an offer here.


ANEL Packing Facilities

Example of honey packing line installations

Pictures 5 & 6: Examples of automatic honey packing lines from ANEL


Branch Store / ANEL HoneyPark

  • In 2014 ANEL opened its branch store in northern Greece, outside the city of Thessaloniki, offering apart from distribution of products a wide variety of services for the local beekeeping market.
  • In the same space we created ANEL HoneyPark, a theme park dedicated to beekeeping which is visited by schools, students, families and tourists who wish to learn about the honeybee, the beekeeping practice and Greek flora, have fun, buy honey and other beekeeping products from Greek producers and try innovative services like the Apitherapy House.

ANEL HoneyPark in Thessaloniki

Picture 7: ANEL HoneyPark outside of Thessaloniki, Greece


ANEL Seminars

Picture 8: ANEL Beekeeping Seminars


Pollen collection program: 1800 hives 20tns/annually

Picture 9: Pollen collection program - 1800 hives, 20tns/annually


Continuos presence in exhibitions all around the world

Picture 10: Continuous presence in exhibitions all around the world

Η ΑΝΕL θα είναι κλειστή από 3 Αυγούστου μέχρι και 18 Αυγούστου για καλοκαιρινές διακοπές. Θα απαντήσουμε στα μηνύματα και στις παραγγελίες σας μετά τις 18/08. Ευχαριστούμε και καλό καλοκαίρι!


ANEL will be closed for summer holidays from August 3rd until August 18th. We will respond to your messages and orders after August 18th. Thank you and have a great summer!


ANEL sarà chiusa per le vacanze estive dal 3 agosto fino al 18 agosto. Risponderemo ai vostri messaggi e ordini dopo il 18 agosto. Grazie e buone vacanze!


ANEL estará cerrada por vacaciones de verano del 3 de agosto al 18 de agosto. Responderemos a sus mensajes y pedidos después del 18 de agosto. ¡Gracias y que tengan un buen verano!


ANEL sera fermée pour les vacances d'été du 3 août au 18 août. Nous répondrons à vos messages et commandes après le 18 août. Merci et bonnes vacances!


ANEL ist vom 3. August bis zum 18. August wegen Sommerferien geschlossen. Wir werden Ihre Nachrichten und Bestellungen nach dem 18. August beantworten. Danke und einen schönen Sommer!