Sea el primero en comentar este producto
Dimensiones (Artículo): Φ30 x 04.00mm
Peso: 0,01 Kg
Artículos / Paquete: 100
€2,50 sin impuestos
€3,10 con impuestos


ANEL Bee ID for External Use in a Hive

Download the app

appstore app playstore app
  • Offers digital identification to your cells.
  • It is built into the ANEL caps.
  • Can be purchased individually and used for your old hives as well.
  1. Remove the sticker on the back,
  2. Gather it in whatever part of the hive serves you,
  3. Fix it with a screw in the center.

Go to the website and register now:


ANEL Bee ID for External Use in a Hive

Download the app

appstore app playstore app
  • Offers digital identification to your cells.
  • It is built into the ANEL caps.
  • Can be purchased individually and used for your old hives as well.
  1. Remove the sticker on the back,
  2. Gather it in whatever part of the hive serves you,
  3. Fix it with a screw in the center.

Go to the website and register now:

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  • Excelente
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Η ΑΝΕL θα είναι κλειστή από 3 Αυγούστου μέχρι και 18 Αυγούστου για καλοκαιρινές διακοπές. Θα απαντήσουμε στα μηνύματα και στις παραγγελίες σας μετά τις 18/08. Ευχαριστούμε και καλό καλοκαίρι!


ANEL will be closed for summer holidays from August 3rd until August 18th. We will respond to your messages and orders after August 18th. Thank you and have a great summer!


ANEL sarà chiusa per le vacanze estive dal 3 agosto fino al 18 agosto. Risponderemo ai vostri messaggi e ordini dopo il 18 agosto. Grazie e buone vacanze!


ANEL estará cerrada por vacaciones de verano del 3 de agosto al 18 de agosto. Responderemos a sus mensajes y pedidos después del 18 de agosto. ¡Gracias y que tengan un buen verano!


ANEL sera fermée pour les vacances d'été du 3 août au 18 août. Nous répondrons à vos messages et commandes après le 18 août. Merci et bonnes vacances!


ANEL ist vom 3. August bis zum 18. August wegen Sommerferien geschlossen. Wir werden Ihre Nachrichten und Bestellungen nach dem 18. August beantworten. Danke und einen schönen Sommer!