
Quality Policy

The Quality Policy of ANEL, as well as its objectives for Quality, are formulated as follows:

The company is committed to producing and marketing agricultural and beekeeping equipment fully compliant with specific specifications and requirements, as well as providing training services for its use, aiming at the complete and continuous satisfaction of its customers.

Through the harmonious cooperation of all involved factors (management, staff, partners/subcontractors, suppliers but especially its customers) it ensures the successful completion of its project.

To satisfy the above, the company has installed and implements a Quality Management System that is monitored and improved through inspection, evaluation and review programs. It is designed to primarily aim at preventing non-conformities related to the operation and scope of the company's activities.

The achievement of the objectives is achieved with modern know-how, compliance with Greek & European Community Legislation, compliance with market and competition conditions, with the employment of appropriately trained personnel, with auxiliary functions and with the provision of the necessary resources (i.e. ethical and material means), with continuous awareness and information on Quality matters.

The company, for the correct implementation of the quality system as well as the best response to certain objectives, recognizes the interested parties and their needs, while for the safe continuity of its effective operation it has developed a complete risk assessment and management plan.

The more specific objectives per function of the company are established and reviewed through the Management Reviews.

All of the above guarantees compliance with the requirements for Quality, according to the ΕΛΟΤ EN ISO 9001:2015 standards, as well as the company's commitment to continuous improvement of the Management Systems.


The Company Manager

Pantelakis Eleftherios